For you who want to help yourself while learning to help others
Advanced Training IoPT online
I highly recommend Marta’s seminar to everyone and especially to counselors, therapists and all those working in health care.
- Dr. Gabor Maté -
Advanced Training
Advanced Training IoPT - online
Experience and learn online how to work with Franz Ruppert`s IoPT using the Intention method with Marta Thorsheim & team.
The Institute for Traumawork in Norway in cooperation with Dr Franz Ruppert, the founder of IoPT and Stephen Gyllenhaal at the Institute for Identity work in Los Angeles.
Place: Online
The training is for you who knows IoPT well, and want to explore and learn more.
The Trauma of Identity underlies our ability to be in healthy relationship, to succeed in life, to be happy and healthy. The Intention Method enhances your health and wholeness, creating a safe framework within which you can process traumas from all periodes of life.
We warmly welcome you to an exciting and rewarding program, where you help yourself while learning to help others.
The objective of the program is to provide a thorough insight into modern trauma theory and treatment for adults, adolescents and children/families. You will learn how trauma affects identity development, the development of our free will, and all other mental structures, including body development and growth. The training also includes the different trauma types and their characteristics as well as how to deal with split parts after traumatisations.
I want to love, live and be loved – is the overall subject for the IoPT training:)
- Prevention, treatment and way out of traumatic stress.
- Integrated trauma and attachment psychology. Developmental Psychology.
- Developmental trauma and other traumatizations.
- Collective trauma. Transgenerational trauma.
- The consequences of traumatic stress, prevention and repair.
- Consequences for health, kindergarten, school and drug treatment.
- IoPT – based care.
The program consist of 12 weekend modules (4 days each).
2025 Modul 1: .Feb 14 – 17 Psyche and Psychotrauma. Module 2: March 21 -24 Identity & Trauma of Identity.. The theory of Identity. Basic trauma theoryModule 3: New date: June 6 – 9. Trauma of Love . Basic trauma theory – the traumabiograhy
(IoPT Conference in Oslo; May 10 – 11. Register at and conference)
Module 5:. September 26 – 29. Victim – perpetrator, victim-perpetrator dynamics. Modul 6: October 31 – November 3. The Intention Method in group settings with resonators. The Intention method process Modul 7: December 5 – 8. The Intention Method and practice – in one-to-one settings and with a few resonators.The Intention Mathod Process Start talking about wanting to write a thesis, on your chosen subject. Training under supervision possible for all students from modul 7. 2026 Modul 8: 23 – 26. Symptoms and psychotrauma. Modul 9: February 20 – 23. Traumatized and Traumatizing societies. Collective trauma. Transgenerational trauma. Project supervisions included in the next modules. Modul 10: March 20 – 23. Couple- and others relationships. Couples therapy in IoPT. Modul 11:.April 24 – 27.Summary and IoPT for parents, youth and children. Modul 12: June 5 – 8. Presentation of thesis – DiplomTimings:
Each day will start at 3 PM Norwegian time and we go to around 10 PM Norwegian time, each day. The starting time is the equivalent of 6.00 AM Vancouver and Los Angeles time.
Short break, 15 minutes, after each Self encounter. Long break, 1 hour after about 3-4 hours.
Signing up for the training: to the right at this page, or sent me an e-mail:
When signing up you sign up for the whole training, 12 modules, unless anything else is agreed upon with Ewelyn.
Price each module: euro 550,-/Nok 5500,-.
Amount of participants at the advanced online English speaking training is limited.
First come first serve
Place: online, we will send you the link for you to log in
Theoretical framework
The program builds on professor Ruppert’s theoretical framework of an Identity oriented Psychotrauma theory – IoPT. Based on established trauma theories and his own research, as well as extensive therapeutic experience with people all over the world, both individually and in group settings. Prof. Franz Ruppert developed the theoretical framework within Identity-oriented psychotrauma theory and therapy: IoPT. This framework is based on several theoretical foundations and one practical method:
- The Human Psyche: well-being, stress and trauma
- Identity and the Trauma of Identity
- The Trauma of Love and the Trauma of Sexuality
- The Perpetrator-Victim-Dynamic in relations
- The Intention Method and the Resonance Technique.
- Working with IoPT in one-to-one settings, small- and bigger groups settings.
The method by which we implement the insights and objectives of IoPT, is called the Intention Method. Which means the following: A person who wants to work therapeutically on him- or herself first considers his/hers intention: What do I want to achieve through this work? What is my goal? What would I like to look at more closely? What is the next steps in my therapy?.
Modules: content and schedule
The modules consist of teaching, reflection and discussion of theory as well as practical work regarding the intentions of the participants. Each participant receives at least one IoPT Self encounter per module. Starting with module six, everyone is given the opportunity to practice the Intention method under supervision.
Advanced IoPT training online
Topics to be covered:
- The psyche as a living organism. Latest development and general aspects in IoPT. Development of Identity.
- Psycho trauma.
What is stress? What is trauma? The different types of trauma, and the short, medium and long term affects. Split and dissociation as consequences of trauma. - The methodology and technique of IoPT.
Development of the methodology and theory of IoPT. In individual therapy in groups, in one-to-one settings with client and therapist and in counseling. - Trauma of Identity.
Development of Identity. How is the development of I and will influenced during early traumatisation. The way out of the traumabiography.Psycho trauma from conception on – InUtero time – Birth and early childhood trauma. - Bonding and Love.
Trauma of Love. What is Love? What is bonding? - Trauma of Sexuality.
What is Sexuality? - Couple relationships and other relations.
Who am I in relations? How to grow good relationships. - Who am I in a traumatized and traumatizing society?
- Victim and perpetrator and victim-perpetrator identifications.
Domestic violence. - Symtpoms, illnesses or trauma?
I, my body, my trauma. How to grow health and how to grow illnesses
For you who want to write a thesis; we offer space for presentation of thesis in the last module.
For Norwegian citizens wanting to practice as IoPT Trauma therapists with insurance, to write and present a thesis is required.
Recommended reading
Publications in English and Norwegian by Franz Ruppert, most books also published in other languages:
- I want live, love and be loved (in German and Norwegian 2021, other languages coming)
- Love, Lust and Trauma
- Who am I in a traumatized and traumatizing society
- My Body, My Trauma , My I. With the latest development and practical examples of working therapeutical with physical symptoms.
- Early Trauma
- Trauma, fear and love
- Symbiosis and Autonomy: Symbiotic Trauma – Love Beyond Entanglement
- Trauma, Bonding and Family Constellations: Understanding and Healing Injuries of the Soul (2008).
- Splits in the Soul: Integrating Traumatic Experiences
- Articles and lectures by Marta Thorsheim and Franz Ruppert, will be forwarded to the students
- Books from Vivian Broughton:
- Trauma and Identity (2021)
- Looking for Love (2023)
- Articles and note from Marta Thorsheim shared in e-mail as part of the training.
English versions available from Green baloon publishings house
Online advanced training in English
2025 - 2026