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IoPT Conference in Oslo

May 10-11, 2025

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When our life energy is linked to warmth of heart, we flourish. The exterior fades and allows for true presence

- Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert -

IoPT Conference in Oslo, May 10 and 11 2025..more will come

IoPT Trauma Conference

We are happy to  be able to invite you to the IoPT conference at House of Literature in Oslo, Norway.

When you know what causes trauma, you can be more aware of preventing trauma.

We are in the prosess of inviting leading professionals to our conference, In addition to the founder of IoPT, Franz Ruppert.

The program will be announced here when ready.

The program for our two days together will cover topics relevant for everyone- if you know Traumawork or not. When we as humans live in traumatised societies, as we all do, it effects us all.

Franz Ruppert will present a lecture from his latest findings in his research. He will facilitate Self – encounters, also as supervision for Traumatherapists and others working with vulnerable people in their profession. The invitation to get your own self encounter, by lottery, is for everyone attending the conference. In addition to selfencounters Franz and Marta will answer questions and invite you all  for reflections.

The conference is in easy-to-understand English.

Time: May 10 and 11

Saturday 10 AM – 5.30 PM and Sunday 11 AM – 5.30 PM

Venue: House of Litteratur, Wergelandsveien 29, 0167 Oslo

Franz Ruppert

Dr. Ruppert is internationally recognized for elucidating difficult topics with refreshing clarity and for his creative approaches in working with people and understanding ourselves. Now he wants to shed light on his ground-breaking self-developed trauma theory – Identity-oriented Psychotrauma theory and – therapy, as well as the latest developments within IoPT.

Own identity

Franz Ruppert will talk on why the search for one’s own identity is so important – especially in insecure times. The question: “Who am I really?” brings people into direct contact with unprocessed trauma. To get closer to this inner truth, a basic knowledge of what a healthy psyche consists of is needed.

This also makes it clear how a lot of people are traumatized and how they defend themselves against self-knowledge by mostly dealing with what is outside themselves and thus get lost in talking and fighting.

In other words, when one lives according to an unconscious survival strategy one becomes more and more entangled in other people and their stories which simply repeats the past instead of healing it. It is about feeling one’s own wounds and no longer unconsciously holding back, because one’s own truth will be lived.

Short presenting of Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert and other speakers & topics

Prof Dr Franz Ruppert:

Franz Ruppert

Franz Ruppert is a professor in psychology at the Univerisity for applied science in Munich and an internationally renowned speaker and researcher of trauma.

He has during the last 30 years developed the theory of Identity oriented Psychotraumatheori, and the practical method of IoPT – Selfencounter by the Intention Method.

The Intention method – How to reconnect with oneself

IoPT Conference

10-11 May 2025 in Oslo

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