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What is IoPT?

Trauma therapy in a safe and gentle way

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I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing the remarkable work of Marta Thorsheim in IoPT, and to experience personally the impact of this modality.

- Gabor Maté -

What is IoPT

Prof Dr Franz Ruppert and IoPT

Identityoriented Psycho Trauma Therapy (IoPT) is founded on the theories and practice developed by Professor Dr. Franz Ruppert over the past 30 years, and articulated in his books, seven of which are available in English.

Prof. Dr. Ruppert has devoted his time to understand the living human organism (LHO), how trauma affects the whole LHO and how to recover from the effect of trauma- to gain a healthy self and a healthy will, despite traumatisation.

Based on established theories as well as his own research and through many therapeutic sessions with clients, both in individual and group situations, he has developed the theoretical framework Identity oriented Psychotraumatheory IoPT. This framework emanates from four theoretical building blocks and one practical method:

  • The Human Psyche: well-being, stress and trauma
  • Identity and the Trauma of Identity
  • The Trauma of Love and the Trauma of Sexuality
  • The Perpetrator-Victim-Dynamic in relations
  • The Intention Method and the Resonance Technique
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All we need to process is stored in our body and our psyche and appears in the IoPT session when we need it.

– Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert – founder IoPT –

"Who am I?"

Healing, whether it be from mental or physical disorders, needs a goal. What can that goal be? In my experience, it equates to fully and completely living one's own identity. So that we can express and realize what is at the core of our being.

How do we recognize that we are in touch with our own identity? Here too, experience shows: We need a healthy self, a free will and to be in close emotional contact with our body.

When we only orient ourselves towards others, what they do for us, when we primarily fulfil others’ wishes, and make our bodies available to please others we are no longer fully present. In those cases the body might, for instance use symptoms of disease to show us that we are out of touch with ourselves. Another aspect of not having a healthy relationship to oneself is not being able to have good relations with others.

In our seminars and training programs, we use Franz Ruppert's intention method to increase our awareness of splits, or parts, of our identity. These cleavages are caused by traumatic life experiences, and we take targeted steps towards the healing ourselves.