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What is IoPT and the intention method?

Frequently asked questions

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All we need to process is stored in our body and our psyche and appears in the IoPT session when we need it.

- Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert -

Frequently asked questions

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions that are useful in understanding the Identity oriented Psychotrauma Theory (IoPT)  and the Intention Method:

Who are the resonance givers?

In a group setting, resonance givers are the people from the group that a client chooses to resonate words from their Sentence of Intention. Sometimes people who are new to this therapy book themselves into a group workshop as a resonance giver as an introduction to the approach and to benefit from the working sessions taking place during the workshop.

In a group workshop, it is the client who chooses the resonance givers when they are working on their Sentence of Intention. When you are asked by the client to resonate with their word, it is your choice if you accept or not. As a resonance giver you sense into the client’s psyche. You mirror the client’s conscious and implicit memories, the feelings, thoughts and sensations that you tune into while resonating their word.

Being a resonance giver, you are providing information to the client and also, uncannily, you sometimes realize something for yourself as a result of being a resonance giver, which relates to your own self development or an issue you are considering. So, primarily you are a resource for the client and also many resonance givers report that they personally get something valuable out of the resonance giving experience.

What does the therapist actually do?

The IoPT therapist has a deep understanding of the theory, the methodology and underlying dynamics of traumatization. From this understanding, experience and knowledge, the therapist is there to help you make sense of what happens in the process in those moments when you, yourself, are not quite sure. The discoveries that make sense to you are the important ones. Our first position as a therapist is that you are the one who knows what is really true… not necessarily always in your conscious mind of course, and that is the purpose of the process, to find out what really is true about yourself and your life’s experiences.

The best therapeutic work is a process that you are in charge of, that you make your own sense of, in which the therapist is there to assist, with progression of the process and, if necessary some understanding and explanation, which then is useful only if it makes sense to you.

What happens after the session?

In a group setting, when a client’s session has concluded, the client will thank each resonance giver for participating in their session and “release” them from their roles. The session is then coming to a conclusion, and the therapist and the client may exchange information to close the session.

In a one-to-one-setting, usually the client him- or herself resonates the different elements of the intention, and the therapist is there for support.

The client is always welcomed to contact the therapist after sessions.

How confidential is the process?

In group sessions a contracting conversation is the first conversation that takes place. This allows everyone the opportunity to ‘sign up’ to the contract with each other in a real and meaningful way. The main focus of this contracting is about Confidentiality and Self Responsibility.

In one-to-one sessions the contract of confidentiality is discussed by the therapist and the client in the first session.


Marta Thorsheim

Read Marta Thorsheim's Q&A session with

In this interview from January 2019, Thorsheim answers questions such as "What It Means to Have a Trauma of Identity?", "How do you define trauma?" and "Can you take us through what happens in these sessions?".