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The way back to yourself

Information evening on IoPT

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With IoPT Franz Ruppert has opened the door to the feature. Marta Thorsheim guides us through the door with compassion and wisdom!

- Stephen Gyllenhaal, film director Los Angeles -

Information Evening with Marta Thorsheim

Information Evening

Tuesday October 29. Time 6.00PM – 9.00 PM Norwegian time

Log in to zoom is 5.30PM, to test audio/video, and we start at 6Pm with the information about IoPT.

In the information evenings you get an introduction about IoPT – Identity oriented Psychotraumatheory, as well as how we transfer the theory into practical therapeutic work by the Selfencounters with the Intention method.

Questions and reflections are welcome, and so are you.

I hope to see you.

Warmly Marta Thorsheim

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In 45 years, no therapist or doctor has helped me as effectively as Marta Thorsheim.

– Stephen Gyllenhaal, filmregissør Los Angeles –

Information evening

05:30 PM (Online)

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